Enterprise Agility requires much more than the 2001 Agile values and principles or some. of the proposals we have seen in the market called business agility.. We have a lot more to talk about such as the three value companies, new behavioral models. for organizations exposed to accelerated change or what we call neuroxprofiles.. This is part of the Enterprise Agility ways of thinking.. These ways of thinking provides the foundation for the organization and includes ways of. working, ways of structuring, ways of responding, ways of interacting and finally ways of thinking.. Today we're going to focus on one of the most important components of Enterprise Agility.. I'm Erich R. Bühler and today I wanted to tell you more about how our ideas are changing. the world of organizations.. Companies today are exposed to much more uncertainty and a greater number of market. disruption that they were 10 or 15 years ago.. This has led to the development of new approaches that allow companies to be more flexible and. resilient when exposed to exponential or accelerated change.. When I started writing my book in 2016, it struck me that none of the existing models. took into account that successful organizations need people who are extremely mentally flexible. and that is an undeniable truth.. No matter how great the framework, techniques or practices a company uses, if people in the. organization are not mentally flexible, they can't quickly adapt to rapid change and that's. going to impact the way obviously that they make decisions.. Being mentally flexible also means that these people can better handle their emotions when. faced with a change or a surprising new situation.. We will talk more about this in following videos about the impact of market disruptions. on cortisol levels in the brain and how that can affect the way we evaluate situations.. We know that the less mentally flexible a person is, the more they are affected by an. unexpected situation.. That also means that it is harder for them to manage their emotions, the less emotional. management you have, the lower the quality of decisions and the fewer perspectives you. will be able to evaluate.. So how can you make sure that your company has more mentally flexible employees?. And if mental agility is ultimately the most important thing, why are not there are framework. or practices that consider increasing mental agility or what science called neuroplasticity. as a critical part of their structures?. From my point of view, companies in which their employees have higher levels of neuroplasticity. will have better conditions to be successful.. Not only will they be able to produce better products, but they would also make better. decisions and achieve higher levels of organizational health.. And this is because the interaction between people will be healthier.. At Enterprise Agility University, we call this concept mental agility and it is a fundamental. part of enterprise agility.. An organization whose employees don't have a high level of mental agility cannot achieve. the three outcomes of enterprise agility.. They are to be always ready, always responsive and always innovative.. So once you understand that mental agility is the foundation of any successful organization,. you need to put them into a model and obviously actionable practices.. Today I want to share with you one of the models I created between 2016 and 2017 that. helped drive sustainable change in many organizations around the world.. This model looks at enterprise agility as five different types of dimensions that are. interwoven.. Most importantly, these five types or dimensions of agility somehow allow you to look at organizations. from different perspectives.. It's like putting on different glasses to see situations.. For example, when you put the mental agility glasses, you will focus on anything that can. increase the neuroplasticity of what we call mental agility.. And obviously that could impact employees and how they adapt to your change initiative.. However, if we talk about, for example, social agility, you will focus on anything that increases. the connection between people so that the flow of information between them can be more. fluid.. You can see that enterprise agility has different types of agility or dimensions.. However, I found that outcomes agility is the one that is harder for people to understand.. Outcomes agility is a very specific dimension which is basically focused on the strategy. and which is explicitly interconnected to leadership.. It's clear that organizations cannot change strategy all the time.. Or at least that is what we believe so far.. In a world where things change every week or every day, leaders must be able to create. strategies in response to those markets and they must be able to realign everyone with. the new strategy.. And this is true even if everything is constantly changing.. Outcomes agility focuses on this constant adaptation of the strategy and its connection. between leadership, tactics and the strategic realignment of the organization with the new. demands of markets.. This makes it possible to create companies that are always ready, always responsive. and always innovative.. And remember again, these are the three outcomes of enterprise agility.. At the bottom is mental agility which supports all the other types of agility.. Usually, organization focus on the top which is where the chocolate is or what we call. technical agility.. Technical agility relates to software oriented frameworks and processes and this is strictly. connected to classic agility.. We saw this in the previous video.. Many times companies focus so much on having that chocolate very soft and appetizing that. they end up burning the base of the cake which is mental agility.. In this video, we will talk about mental agility, what it is, how you can measure it and the. most important thing which is to understand how you can improve mental agility in your. organization.. We will talk about the other dimensions of agility in the following videos and today. I wanted to introduce two of my best friends, Andrew, the Agile coach and Hannah the HR.. They will be helping me to explain the ideas behind mental agility and how to measure it.. Thank you Erich.. I hope you folks enjoy the time with Andrew and me.. We are going to learn great things about mental agility today.. When things are changing exponentially, a new approach is needed to enable people to. deal with new situations comfortably and sustainably.. As Erich explained, enterprise agility has three universal outcomes that enable building. businesses that are always ready, always responsive and always innovative.. Let's learn how mental agility relates to those outcomes and how it can help you.. Mental agility indicates how flexible a person is when faced with new situations, even if. they may cause stress.. A person with a high level of mental agility can evaluate a situation more comprehensively,. even if he or she's under a lot of stress.. This means that he or she's better able to accept and evaluate the facts, perspectives,. emotions and values from the views of the other person or team and feel them as one's. own.. Mental agility refers to reframing challenges to find new solutions even during stressful. times.. We know that when we're stressed, cortisol in the brain increases, which decreases. mental agility.. This causes us to feel less empathy for others or to be unable to put ourselves in the perspective. of the other person.. This puts us in defense instead of cooperation mode.. Imagine an event where two people perceive different facts about the same situation and. also have different perspectives, emotions and personal values.. If these two have low levels of mental agility, it'll be difficult for them to reach agreement. and cooperate.. And that's critical, because with low levels of mental agility, companies deliver less. innovation and business value to the customer, company and workforce well-being.. It also makes it hard for organizations to be always ready, always responsive and always. innovative.. Do you remember the cake where mental agility was at the bottom?. This means that mental agility impacts shared progress and it is the foundation for all. other types of agility.. Whatever happens in your brain will affect how you communicate and connect with others. or social agility.. How flexible you're in adapting and implementing your strategy or outcomes agility, and how. well it's accepted by employees.. Also, how you design the processes and roles to support those people or structural agility.. And how you develop software and products or technical agility.. To measure mental agility, we'll show you a model called the Four Stages of Awareness. of Mental Agility, developed by Erich R. Bühler.. We will help you think about how to create metrics to evaluate levels of mental agility. in your company.. These four stages represent the path people can take when they want to increase their. mental agility and also enables leaders and change consultant to plan for change adaptation,. stress management and resiliency skills.. It also makes us see that we are all similar when we embark on the conscious path to reframing. situations and mental agility.. Higher levels of mental agility is crucial for shared progress.. The higher they're in the model, the more they'll be exercising their mental agility.. For example, a group of individuals who are unable to see facts, perspectives, emotions. or values from another person's or team's point of view is considered the lowest level. of mental agility.. People who are at this stage of their journey may have higher levels of conflict and lower. levels of innovation and value delivered to the client and company.. This in turn leads to lower levels of workforce well-being.. In contrast, an individual or team that can analyze facts from the point of view of another. person or group is more flexible than the former team.. However, it's less flexible than a group that can evaluate facts and perspectives from. another team's point of view.. At the next stage, emotions, people develop a certain degree of empathy for others.. This is an important step because it also means a greater maturity of the person or. group in dealing with emotions.. The highest level of mental agility is reached when people are able to evaluate facts and. perspectives and feel the emotions of others as their own or empathy and temporarily embrace. others' values or reframing.. Keep in mind that if the person feels fear, feels that she's losing prestige or power,. this increases the cortisol level and causes the person to begin to see fewer perspectives,. or in other words, to lose the ability to reframing.. The four stages of awareness of mental agility also gives recommendations for those who want. to improve their mental agility.. The area on the left is called lead myself and is the foundation for improving self-awareness.. The area on the right is called lead others and offers the basis for greater mental agility. and empathy towards others.. I'm aware of the exact moment when my brain activates my facts to filter the situation. and create my own subjective reality.. I know how to adjust my mindset to go beyond my facts.. Imagine you're having a conversation with someone who's observing a situation with different. facts than you're seeing.. In the first moments of that conversation, your facts will dominate your brain, leaving. little room to clearly evaluate the other person's facts.. Therefore, it's important that you become aware of the exact moment when your facts begin. to filter the situation and create your subjective reality.. When you become aware of this, you can explicitly change your mental processes and adjust your. thinking to go beyond your facts.. You can use strategies to accomplish this, and we have developed tools and training that. will show you how to achieve a new understanding of your mind.. This will help you evaluate more information, see different facts, adapt better to an exponential. world, and make better decisions.. The same is true for perspectives, emotions, and values.. The emotion stage prepares you to experience the feelings of others while we consider values. the highest level of mental agility.. When you can temporarily take on another person's values as if they were your own, we say you're. reframing.. And this is crucial to build shared progress.. To sum up, the left area focuses on increasing mental agility with respect to self-knowledge. and self-awareness.. Let's talk now about the right side of the four stages of awareness of mental agility.. I'm aware that your brain filters the situation with your facts to create your subjective. reality.. I realize that your view is as real as mine.. I know how to adjust my mindset to go beyond my facts.. This area focuses on increasing mental agility and empathy with respect to others.. It makes us see that we are all similar when we embark on the conscious path of building. a more flexible and resilient mind.. It also helps to become aware of the critical moment when you begin to understand where. the other person stands regarding their path to mental agility.. This helps you adjust your mindset, expectations, behaviors, and your communication strategy. to support others and see that the other person's point of view is as real as your own.. Each person requires their own time, space, and needs when it comes to improving their. mental agility and start focusing on mutual benefits and shared progress.. If you understand this, you can also become aware of your blind spots and focus on the. way others evaluate situations.. Your superpowers are about adjusting your mindset to increase your empathy and understanding. of the other individual so that you can lead others based on the other person's needs.. This will improve your leadership skills and allow for the magnification of your communication. beyond the empathic level.. Something crucial in tri-value companies is necessary to build shared progress.. In summary, the stages on the right make it possible to create a common ground that allows. others to develop and build a collective capacity of understanding that enables everyone in the. company to have higher levels of mental agility when facing accelerated change.. I imagine you're wondering how to build indicators for mental agility.. One way is to use each of the stages and evaluate them independently.. For example, the ease with which a team or an individual can evaluate another person's. facts using a scale of 0 to 4 or the range you prefer, then you could do the same with. perspectives, emotions, and values.. Another option is to combine these four stages in a single metric.. The higher the score, the closer you're to the value stage or reframing.. The lower the score, the closer you're to the facts level, which translates into less. mental agility.. You can also use other approaches, such as measuring people's adaptability to change,. the level of conflict when situations change unexpectedly, etc.. We call it changeability in enterprise agility.. We'll measure it indirectly, such as the time it takes to achieve the same innovation. or business value they'd before the disruption.. You can measure mental agility in a scientific way, and this is something you can consider. as well.. Let's look at some examples of what indicators you can use to measure mental agility.. Measure the four stages of mental agility independently.. Find one indicator for each stage.. Evaluate the time to adapt to the new reality.. Use other ways to measure mental agility.. We hope you found it useful.. Thanks Erich, and you for giving us the opportunity to explain all this.. Remember that mental agility isn't a score, but an approach that allows us to make better. decisions when helping people, teams, and companies that require greater resilience. and adaptability to change and help you build shared progress.. You have been awesome today.. We have a lot to learn in the next chapters, such as the NeuroX profiles to understand. how neurocapabilities can help people when they are exposed to exponential or accelerated. change, the three-value companies, which is a new conception of how organizations build. value when they are exposed to constant changes or high uncertainty.. Do you want to know more about enterprise agility?. See you soon..