Let's rock and roll Okay, so we're here for the secrets of greater organisational health. and how important is that right now in this world? Wow So, we're going to cover enterprise. agility universal outcomes and we're going to learn how to have high organisational health when things are changing all the time The definition of organisational health is psychological safety. plus the creation of business value and perpetuity and if people don't know what that word means, it means forever and enterprise agility business value means value for the customer, company and workforce wellbeing and many companies focus just on customer and company and they forget about the workforce wellbeing and that's why the change journey pyramid is so important. So, we're going to cover what we call enterprise agility universal outcomes and these outcomes enable us to have a high organisational health and accelerated times when we need to make people feel good and have low stress Even if the situation requires people to be. always ready, requires people to get things to market faster, being responsive, requires that you innovate in a sustainable way. What we call these universal outcomes is always ready The definition we have for always ready. is continuous building a culture of mindset is prepared for surprises, uncertainties and contingencies that focuses on understanding what is happening but not yet reacting to the situation. Always responsive So, continuously and sustainably responding to changes, disruptions. and customer company workforce needs and a prompt, let me try that again, continuously and sustainably responding to changes, disruptions and customer company workforce needs and a prompt and effective way And then always innovative Continuously reimagining offerings, business models,. partnerships and strategies to sustainably generate lasting value and meaning It involves. embracing thoughts and future thinking to gain new insights and drive innovation. These are the three universal outcomes and they're wonderful and colourful but more than that, they're powerful The three universal outcomes are high level objectives and the enterprise agility that. provides a vision for reshaping organizational culture and priorities We're designed to address. core human motivations and ensure sustainability, holistic growth and success during high uncertainty and accelerated change I just want you to put into the chat if you believe that we're going through. high uncertainty and accelerated change right now Just put a yes in there if you believe we are. Cool, I'm seeing some thumbs up. Not seeing anything in the chat yet but maybe that's. We've got some yeses and absolutely awesome Okay. So, as we've seen in other sessions with Eric and Manthan and Simon and Niroshi and Tanya, there's many reasons that we need to address high uncertainty and accelerated change. Right, now we're going to go into a breakout room Eric, thumbs up if you are there to be able to set. up breakout rooms. Maybe if you said he was here. Yep We're going to just talk for say two to three minutes each and why we believe. the universal outcomes are important And if you'd like, you can go to eauuniversity. and we have a HANA AI and you can ask her about the three Enterprise Agility Universal Alcomes and why they're important and then you can put your own spin on that Then we'll come back and we'll share just checking the. chat I haven't heard from Eric yet. Looks like he had to restart his computer so we need to maybe talk as a group for a few minutes. Sure Okay, so who wants to come off mute and maybe start the conversation on why they think. that we have why three universal outcomes are important? Geeta has her hand raised Okay, let's go with Geeta Come off mute Geeta. Yeah, so my centricity is important because whatever service or product you offer, you want to make sure it's adding value to the receiving end because if you cannot add value, no one, your business is basically you get into bankruptcy because you're not offering what the customers actually need Absolutely Absolutely, Geeta Company sustainability. That's important again because it's tied into the customers We see nowadays it doesn't matter. if it's in clothing industry, learning industry, technology industry, healthcare, we keep evolving and we need to be up to date on the latest, on the latest and greatest because people want human nature is to progress and if we are behind as a company, no one will buy our products. That's wonderful Yes, there's the company side but also on top of that is we've got to remember. about the workforce well-being because we're expecting more from our people in the workforce. We're expecting that they learn new things which means that they're going to have to go through changes of mindsets They're going to have to learn how to remove biases They're going. to learn how to deal with some of the chemicals that happen in our brain and we face uncertainty and it's absolutely right Geeta about bankruptcy There was an article recently by HBR I think. it was by Forbes and they said that companies that were downsizing and they were downsizing because they couldn't meet demand etc The reason what happened to those companies is they were. twice as likely to go bankrupt So that's pretty important If you're going to downsize,. make sure you're ready to go bankrupt Welcome everyone. Welcome back Okay, one thing about teams How many breakout rooms do we have, Eric?. I think we have five and we see no four of four to five breakout rooms. Okay, so let's get started on the shareback The importance of the exercise wasn't to get the answer. The importance of the exercise was to understand how Hannah can help you achieve your goals. So let's share the experiences and ideas So we'll start with the badass room with MEK. as our spokesperson Go ahead please MEK. Okay, so in our case Hannah recommended various approaches centered around five axes. The first one being continuity and adaptability The second one, customer-centric approach. The third one, culture of innovation Then followed by alignment and clarity And the fifth one,. holistic approach to success And I personally found the customer-centric approach most. compelling because it links the responsiveness of organizations and their reactiveness and their readiness to the end game outcome in terms of performance on the market with customers who have changing needs and changing preferences And that sounded very compelling and very obvious. to me Then I'm quite curious about the other five, the other four, especially the continuity. and adaptability one That sounds a bit mysterious, but Hannah gave a high level of view saying that. being ready and responsive helps organizations compete and ensure resilience of the operations in terms of competitiveness on the market That's absolutely Thanks MEK So you can see what's. the badass room Now the other thing there was MEK was going to go and look more deeply into. customer-centricity and he understands that he can dive deeper into Hannah So let's go to. who's the next spokesperson for somebody's room please If you put your hand up if you're a spokesperson,. thanks And then some of the people on the call can help me see them Okay, Leanne, thank you. See if you can beat the badass room Oh, we had an amazing room because we took a completely. different approach with Hannah Bonnie asked what's the impact of neglecting the three universal. outcomes And so we were hearing from Hannah around, you know, you will have a loss in psychological. safety, you won't have collaboration with your teamwork There'll be less resilience because. you're not able to cope with more challenging situations And then we had David ask this. really good question of which one is more important of the three And so Hannah came back to say that. they're all equally important and they are connected So we had some fun with Hannah in our room. Excellent Sounds like you're starting to get a bit of a badass coming into your room as well,. Leanne Nice Okay Who else has got their hand up please?. Alberto Yeah, thank you So for our room, we had great time also, where we engage Hannah. to ask why are the universal outcomes important So we got some amazing results. centering around strategic focus, continuous improvement, customer centricity, innovation and adaptability, and organizational resilience As a person, I love the innovation and adaptability. which tends towards the agile way of doing things because you innovate, you expect and adapt and see where it's shifting you towards So it's a great tool I was confessed Actually, funny enough,. I was, I was, I was a call by Bobby to actually go for this And I had to show this is my first. time really of using Hannah So it was a great experience for me Thank you, Eric And thank you. to the team that put this together Wonderful That's great Thank you, Alberto We hope that it. can add value and help you take different approaches and look outside your own perspectives and things that we need to do to be always ready, always responsive and always innovative. Thanks Okay, there's one more spokesperson Is that correct?. Yeah. So, Olu and myself and Tanya were in a breakout room and we went deep and narrow into one outcome because we wanted to focus on one outcome and try to see what Hannah would give us guidance on. So we focused on the always innovative outcome and tried to understand why it was important and one of the good things which came out for us is she not only just told us, okay, you've got to look at improving your practices but you also have to look at improving your capabilities and your workforce well-being so that you have that ability to take, to build talent to then have prudent risk taking that you can do and sort of focus on what is coming ahead and what you have achieved as well. So constantly looking at things and then we had a friendly conversation around two companies that do that. So one was EAU that consistently looks at it and the second one we said, we spoke about Amazon a bit as to how it started as just a digital library and where it is and sort of trying to see how we could do it in an accelerated timeframe and asking Hannah a little bit more about that. Olu, have I captured everything? Is there anything from your end that you would want to add? No, absolutely fine. That companies that fail to innovate eventually die in natural death and I think that's the major takeaway. You have to move with the trends of time. So I think what you've said is so apt here. Thank you. Yeah. And Olu committed to us that after today he's going to do more experiments and share with us about Hannah. Thank you, Martin, for setting me up. Excellent. Can everybody see my screen? I can't move on right to the pyramid. This is your, I created the pyramid but Greg is the owner because he loves the pyramid. He declared it's like people go into the moon and declaring that an area of the moon in from them. Nobody did that before. So Greg is the potential owner of the pyramid. It's not about the ownership, it's I own it. Right, here we go. So here's the changed journey pyramid. So as you can see, what we're aiming for is always really always responsive and always innovative. The bottom parts of the pyramid, which we'll go into, we'll go start here. So the first one is I want things to be as I say I don't care about you. And I created some archetypes around this and I, Eric uses the same icon as me, which is the ghost in this case. And the ghost is all about fear and if we go to the second one as well, it's about I don't like the proposed change. And he's got here, not being heard, which is very similar to my archetype, but I use a troll with big ears and a club. And so what we find in these two here in the bottom of the pyramid is that we burn energy, we get tired and we face the fear, flight, freeze and form regularly. And why is that? It's because when we are under stress, we have a buildup of cortisol and that increases sugar and glucose, leading for which leads to a energy burn. And that leads to us being tired. Adrenaline, a heart beats faster. Blood pressure goes up. Our energy is needed for the fear, flight, freeze and form. So our focus is always on that. And this builds up unhealthy chemicals in the body. And one of the things in the world today is that most of the big companies like Forbes, HBR, Gallup, McKinsey, they're all saying that the burnout cost at the moment is 77% of people. That's crazy. That means we've only got like 23% of people that are not burnt out. Why is that? So we're going to dive into this a little bit more and we'll ask Hannah for some help on that as well. Great, something important, let's go back to the previous one. I think something important here, and I'm sorry I'm at the airport so the connection is not very good. But then something very important is when you are at the bottom of the pyramid, you have the highest levels of cortisol. So you are not open to any recommendation or anything. You fear that you're going to be fired subconsciously or consciously. Now as you go up to the second level, like the proposed change, your levels of cortisol go a little bit lower and then you start to be a little bit open. But then you start feeling that you have not been included into the decision making. And you are a little bit more open than the previous one. But unless you include that person into the decision making, then the person is not going to move on. So the pyramid proposes five different mindsets that are not levels, are mindsets, and then each type of mindset requires different practices. So when you are at the very bottom, unless you secure the person job and the person feels comfortable with this, very, very comfortable, you're not going to move this person to the following mindset. Now you have to have in mind that a person can be in different mindsets depending on the situation. And then when you move up, then I don't like the proposed change. Levels of cortisol drop a little bit. And then here the person can be part of this. If the person is not part of this, he feels threatened. And this is a common question when we go for the courses that they ask the difference between. the bottom. The bottom is a very close person because it's very afraid of losing the position, power, or prestige. Now the person, I don't like the proposed change in here, this individual, he knows that is not going to lose the position, but he feels it's not inclusive so in the future it might happen. So go ahead, I hope that I added a little bit of value to this. Always, Eric. So yeah, the bottom of the pyramid is all about the threat to our livelihood, the threat to our family, the threat to us. The next one up about being heard is about feeling significant, feeling part of something, belonging to something. And then the next one, I don't understand why the change is happening. I call this the student archetype. And this is where we are starting to, we know the change, but we don't have the necessary skills to be able to adapt to handle the change. And with accelerated change, this is a constant area with organisations right now. These three are why there's so much burnout in the world. We're not taking care of people's. And also when we accelerated change and disruption, erruption brings the high levels of cortisol and adrenaline. But what it's also doing there is that it's all about when a company doesn't look after the always really always responsive and always innovative, then people start to feel overwhelmed. They start to feel like there's no support. Psychological safety goes out the door. All these things. And right now, companies are responding in ways that don't help. And this change during your pyramids can show you how you can help some of the people in your organisation. Greg, I raised my hand. Yes, so something very important is I don't understand why the change is happening. It's about the skills. This is generally where companies focus on. So this level is about the skills to try to understand your job better or try to understand the change better. But it's about the skills. Generally company focus at this level. They believe that they can sort out any problem by giving people more skills. Right? So for example, you can be, you know, you don't understand the change because you don't have the skills. I send you to a course so you can understand the change or you can do your job better. Right? So this is where companies generally focus on. But the issue here is that we have two more mindsets underneath this. Companies know very well how to deal with this level, you know, sending people to training, sending people to skills, trying to explain why the change is happening. But unfortunately, we have two more mindsets underneath this one. Now generally with this mindset, levels of course, the solar are very low. But if people do not have the skills in here, the person can level of course, you can start going up because obviously you start going into this kind of burnout syndrome. Right? You cannot deal with the job. You try to work harder. You don't know what you are doing and you start feeling unsafe. And finally you are going to drop at the bottom of the other two. Should we ask if they understand the three of them? Folks, you understand the difference between the three of them? Is there any questions?. Feel free to put some questions in the chat. Bonnie, yes, Bonnie. I just wanted to ask, this is something that I have observed here in Canada, speaking with people in HR and leaders in organizations. One of the things that has cropped up, and I'm pretty sure it's shown up in other places and spaces around the world, is this whole idea of what we are reinforcing in the workplace. So if the people that are constantly like those, the A types, okay, they work really hard, they work 70 or 80 hour work weeks, they push, push, push themselves, but they neglect all the other areas of their life. That would provide work-life balance, that would feed their psychological safety, yet in companies that are highly competitive, where the bottom line is so important, more important than this whole idea of work-life balance, they continue to reinforce, promote, give, raises to those individuals that are burning themselves out, driving themselves insane and driving their teams around them insane. And it's like, yet the people that are living a very healthy, well-balanced work-life balance go unrecognized because they put their families first, they put themselves first, they put their communities first because they're in alignment with their values. And it's interesting to me that companies are not reinforcing that, and that's some things that have been brought to the forefront of thinking relative to this whole area, idea of workplace wellness, but just wanted to comment on that and ask for other people's perspectives. Well, something very important here is that if you take a look at Chapter 8, where we talk about the three-value company, we specify in the workforce we're being all the different OKRs, let's call it in that way, but we call it spot indicators, that the company needs to look after when they are exposed to exponential change and all the situations that can raise because of the acceleration in market. Thank you for that, Bonnie. So go ahead, Greg. I think we. Thank you. Thank you. I muted myself. Yeah, we can continue. Even a badass can mute themselves wrongly. So what I was wanting to say here is also, absolutely, Bonnie, well-being is such an important thing in companies, and it's a workforce well-being that's mostly missing. Customer well-being is there, company well-being is there, but workforce well-being is sorely missing in a lot of companies. And these things here can help understand how we can create better well-being in organizations. So hopefully that helps in fact. We only have like eight minutes left. Is that right, Eric? This is only a one-hour session? No, no, no, that's incorrect because we have until 15. It's an hour and 15. We're going to extend it five more minutes today so we can finish 120 folks. I'm sorry for that. But that's going to allow you to test a real scenario. So I don't understand why we must change. This is where, if we've got the error here. So as you can see on the permit itself, there's different types of interactions and different types of communication strategies. So towards the bottom, where it's all about intrapersonal, there's going to be a lot of one-on-one communication. And as we move up to more of the teams, it's more of a social aspect. So here's what we're going to do. the social interactions, the social communications, are they aligning with where we want to go? How can we interact in a way that is more social connected? Eruf, did you want to add anything more to that particular one? Yeah, it's just a quick thing. So basically, imagine that somehow you are in a company where you're not going to lose your job, you know that you have been hired, you have the skills, and suddenly you come back to your team and then you say, I want to change, and then you come back to the team and says the team is very dysfunctional. You're not going to go too far, right? So this last thing is about the social dynamics. So how I make sure the social dynamics work. So if you take a look at the left hand side, you go to the interpersonal, right, is what I feel inside me, which are the first levels, to the outside, to the interpersonal. So when I communicate with others, I tell my fears, etc, to the social. So we are mixing two different fields here, which is psychology and sociology at the top. So remember, I don't understand why would change is about the team, how I make the team safe in order to move together. Now there are so many things we can talk about the pyramid, you know, communication strategies when we use the pyramid. We're not going to talk about that because it's going to take ages. And I propose that we move to the exercise now, Greg, so we can then. Yeah, absolutely. We can do that. We can do that. We can do that. We can do that. We can do that. So to move, there is one question in the chat by Olu. He's asking, will it be right to liken these levels to top management, middle management and first line managers, respectively? Awesome. Okay, we'll come back to the second. I just want to. We haven't got to the top of the pyramid yet. So at the top of the pyramid is about, I want to change. And that's about having the always ready, always responsive. But we're really looking at each level, how do we be always ready? How do we be always responsive? How do we be always innovative? Now the thing is towards the top of the pyramid, we're going to have a lot more of what we can call happy, satisfied, feeling good and connected. And why does that happen? Well, here's some chemicals here that happen. And these are things that we want to create more of so that we can have. When we do the greater wellbeing, as you were mentioning, Bonnie, these chemicals happen. And we can generate psychological safety and all those things they all had. And if you've just. I'll just quickly run through them. So serotonin is about the satisfaction, happiness and optimism. Dopamine is about feeling good. Serotonin is long lasting happiness and wellbeing. Oxytocin is love and connection. I mean, even just when you put your hands on your shoulders, you're starting to build a little bit of oxytocin with yourself. And dolphins mediate satisfaction, happiness and optimism. Now if we don't take care of these five levels, we can very quickly slide down the pyramid to any one of these levels. And we can end up with greater cortisol, greater adrenaline. So it's our choice. What we do is that we look for the happy, satisfied, feeling good and connected. Or are we going to carry on with burnout in the world, with the burning energy tired and facing fear all the time? Anyway, I'm going to move on now. We have a situation. Recently there's been a three day work at home policy implemented. Pran, the product owner and Layla, the lawyer. These are wonderful characters from the Enterprise Agility University who were initially in favour of greater flexibility and choosing where to work have become critical of the new rule. They complain, but they feel excluded from decisions about programmed details. An example that I can think of, this situation, not necessarily this specific one, but often leadership teams decide what's going to happen and pass that information down and say this is how we're going to do it. So that obviously doesn't fulfil a lot of the stuff on the changed journey pyramids. So if we come back to this situation, they're complaining that they feel excluded. They also believe they feel disconnected and the company is putting more pressure on them to produce results. Right. Is everybody clear with what our situation is? Just quickly put your raise your hand thumbs up anything so we can see that everybody's clear. And what we're going to do now is I'll get Walter or Eric to explain how we're going to use the mirror board because fortunately I was unavailable for a couple of days and Eric and Walter stepped in and created these wonderful mirror boards. Thank you very much, Eric and Walter. Can you explain what we're going to be doing with this, please? Yeah. So this is going to be quite easy, right? We did the mirror board just for support and the idea is we're going to put you in breakout rooms and then you can also use Hannah. You can put I put the scenario on the chat box, save it somewhere, copy the scenario was a recently a new three day at work, blah, blah, blah. So copy that one as you're going to need it. So you're going to have a conversation. You can also use Hannah, you can put the scenario and you're going to try to first ask Hannah where Hannah thinks that Pran or Laila are. So you can ask Hannah in the change journey Pyramid, you know, with this situation you copy the situation where you think that Laila and Hannah, sorry Laila and Pran are. Are we okay with this? You can copy the whole situation here that I placed it on the chat box and then what you can do is you can just take that to Hannah and say at which level of the change journey Pyramid are them. And Hannah is going to tell you, it's going to help you with that. She's quite clever. Now what we're going to do next is we're going to have a conversation. We're not going to go for 25 minutes early. That's why we will be here forever, but we're going to go for around 12 minutes and you're going to have a conversation about different strategies that you might be able to use. Now in order to do that, we wanted to support you with the mirror so then you can also use a mirror or use the mirror in order to note down the strategy. I'm going to give you two options here. You can do it verbally, you can have a nice conversation, you can have a nice conversation and use the mirror and then in that way you could be able to share with others during this exercise. So what is in the mirror? So in the mirror, you're going to have the change journey Pyramid and then you can add the different techniques that you might be able to use. So this is what we're going to be doing. I'll ask now the ambassador to share the mirror link for you so you can open this one and then you should be able to see what is on the mirror. I will follow the same steps as soon as we share with you the different steps. We should be able to access the mirror and then use the mirror. You're cutting out the error but I think everybody's clear that we'll go to the mirror and then we'll use the mirror to go forward and either we can just have a verbal conversation or we can put start capturing some things in the mirror. We're going to have 12 minutes and the idea again is not to get through the whole exercise. You're cutting out there. So we're not focusing on getting through the whole exercise, we're focusing on just how we could use the change journey Pyramid to help us come up with a strategy. Okay, Eric, if you can send us off to our breakout rooms please. Eric, you're cutting out, can you please send us off to our breakout rooms? It's very simple. Every team is going to have a change journey Pyramid to remind you also. We didn't get anything Eric, you need to repeat yourself or bring people to the breakout rooms. You were cutting all the time in the last two minutes. Yeah, so breakout rooms are going to take a few seconds because unfortunately I'm here at the airport and it's very very slowly connection but they're going to open now. I will assign everyone and then let me see, let's go to the rooms and let's see how this one goes. Okay, Eric, thank you very much Eric. Does anybody have any questions before we go off to the breakout room?. Eric, I'm not sure if everyone got enough input from the previous slides for where Brown and Lila are but if we can do a quick look back on the other slide, at least take a print screen and then. It's in the chat. You have it on the. And the instructions are also in the chat. It's also in the room. Alright, so everyone I think is back. It's time to. Greg, time to go for a step. It's last five minutes. Can everybody see the share screen? Yep. Yes. Okay, if we could have one person as a spokesman just to talk about one minute about what they found. What I just wanted to go through before we go any further is this wasn't about getting an answer. This was about how can Hannah help us? And like one of the things that you may have is a bias and when you ask Aunt Hannah, she doesn't have any biases so she'll tell you where the specific things are in the pyramid. Like many of us probably thought that it was at level four and when you dive into it Hannah helps us understand that it could also be the bottom two as well. So just wanting to help people understand that this is all about how we can use Hannah to empower us using the change journey pyramid. Okay, who would like to go first is a spokesperson. Who's up? Okay, Ebru will start from Elgurt. Thank you Ebru. You're on mute Ebru. Okay. What we talk about is we start with the fourth level but then when we switch to Hannah we have lower levels actually. So when we have the answers from our background possibly then we come up with more deeper levels to work on to start with supporting this change. So that was the team's selection for the change journey pyramid and the bias that Greg mentioned is always there when you're working with such kind of change projects. Sorry, who is on mute? Can you mute yourself please? Thank you Ebru. Is there anything else? Anybody from the bed-ass group would like to add? I was just thinking on this one that could it be a possibility to explore that Fran and Leila could be traversing across all levels continuously rather than seeing they fit at that level? Yes, that's exactly right. What we need to do is address each level to move up the pyramid. Okay, who is from another group please? If you put your hand up. Thank you Ebru. Yeah, let's go for one more. And something very important is you have a very detailed explanation of the pyramid and even how to deal with the politics in companies. I'm not sure how my connection is because I'm connecting from the phone. It's okay right now. Okay, so let's go for one more and then we round up. today Awesome, thank you Eric Okay, who'd like to go next? Manfa. Thanks, Eric So myself and Irina were in a breakout room and we had a very. insightful conversation and we sort of unpicked the situation a little bit before asking Hannah and our thought process was that actually they could be at two levels at once for one aspect. They could be at, I don't understand why it's happening and on certain aspects they could be and they don't like the proposed change So that is where we went in and we then asked Hannah. and she's given us a bit more guidance on collectively they are at I don't understand why the change is happening and how they could move forward So that was really good to have that. conversation and then validate some of the thinking with Hannah Thank you Manfa Before we move forward. I think we should have a round of applause for Hannah Let's give Hannah a round of applause. whether it's virtual Great, great And what about us? I don't know for us too, right?. Well hang on we're doing Hannah first and now we're going to give ourselves two pets on the back because we really deserve that and it helps us with our oxytocin. Excellent I think this is important because you know it's very important today Greg has been. with some health issues and has been even preparing this so thank you very much Greg for preparing the session today Anything you want to add here? I just want to thank Eric, Walter and. all the ambassadors for coming and helping today because as Eric said I had some health challenges and I was only available from yesterday So thank you very much to everybody and. Greater Organisational Health, I don't know why this keeps doing that it should say anyway, the keys to Greater Organisational Health was brought to you by Greg Pitcher, Regional Director, Badass and EA It was brought to you by Hannah AI and the community Before we leave let me tell. you we have Irina here Irina is going to be next week talking about the Lighthouse Model. and Intellectual Humility and why it's important Also we do have something we're going to announce. on Monday We are having new batches for the community and it's going to be very good fun. because you're going to start with the Silver batch and depending on how many events you come and then also how much you learn you're going to be growing up We're going to have gold,. you're going to have diamonds, etc and you're going to be accumulating your batches and you're going to be growing here in the community Before we leave so I hope you do see you next Saturday. Greg do you have anything else to mention before we finish? Yeah I wanted to just say next week is going to be enlightening So the Model of the Lighthouse, Irina is going to help us shine. a torch on Intellectual Humility So Irina looking forward to that session We'll see you next Saturday. So thank you very much guys I apologize about the airport today I've been traveling I have to. see a client and I'm connecting from the phone today So I hope you enjoyed the session The. Pyramid is in one of the chapters I cannot remember which one but it's also explained how to deal with. the CEOs and also politics in the company using the Pyramid It's really really powerful You can. also provide Hannah with your scenario and then Hannah is going to give you some ideas So I hope. you enjoy your time today The rest of the weekend has been a pleasure from the team here of the. Enterprise Activity World Community We just congratulate you for being today and we hope. to see you next Saturday Thank you and thank you Greg for making a great effort Thank you everyone.