Whatever you are in the world, this is the best community to be, the best place to be, because we are all change consultants, we specialize, we know a lot about life and changing companies and sometimes we struggle with change. That's how it works. All right, so let me see, everything is ready. Let's give one more minute for people to join. We have 31 people, I think probably 20 or 30 more people are going to join. And also have in mind that you can connect from your phone, that's the reason we are using Teams. Probably you're going to also need to go to break up rooms today, communicate with that. I don't tell you more. But for the ones who don't know me, my name is Eric Bueller. I'm a change consultant. I'm just supporting these folks today with the event. My part is about greeting the people joining. And that's basically what we're doing. Wow, Finland. I always wanted to go to Finland. I need to go there at some point, just to know if everything what they say is true, the good thing, right? Also welcome. I hope this year is going to happen. Greg, how are you? Yeah, no, I'm great. Thank you, sir. How are you? I'm good. I'm not traveling as you can see. So all right, so we have one more minute. We have almost 40 people today. I hope you enjoy the session. You know that we behind the scenes are very surprised because these folks have been working very hard with the presentation today. And this is not because now, you know, now what is putting a gun on your head is because we all have passion about what we do, right? And we have passion about what you do and changing the world of organization. I think it's when you self-motivate and you love working with others. And I think this is a reason why we are here, right? We love working with others, we love, you know, learning. I think this is the time. So we have 41 people. We might get 50. Hi, Sarah. Hello. Hi. Hello, Michael. Melinda. Hello, David. Who else is new here? Kowal. Kami. All right. So should we go? Absolutely. I think it's time. You're welcome. Eric, yes. Thank you. Thank you for welcoming everybody in the room. So beautifully. And thank you for everyone making the time available in your day to join us today at our next presentation, workshop and talk. So today we are meeting where we're going to have a discussion around your right to steer your culture. And it's so wonderful that you are joining us. I'm especially welcoming you. And I love that you've already shared in a chat where you're from, Jonas from Sweden, Kami from Arizona. Then there's some places I'm going to have a little bit of a struggle to pronounce. I do not even know, Sordetalia. That's interesting. I'm curious about where that could be in the world. Wherever you are joining us from this morning, it's lovely that you are joining us and being here with us. We're going to explore a behavioral tool and how you can steer your culture. Special shout out and thank you to the team. I can say my team, but it's more than just me. It's, this is a collective come together. We're making this thing happen. Special shout out to my co-facilitator today is Leanne. And in Manthan, who will be with Eric doing the tech and the magic behind the scene. Thank you so much, Michelle, for also your genius and providing such certainty by giving us a slide deck and making sure we're coming together to make this all happen. And Greg, making sure we are staying together and having a beautiful internal culture. So thank you to an amazing team who is making this happen. And in most of all, it's a special shout out to you for making the time available to be in the room with us. It says so much about you as a change professional. You want to learn more. You want to know that you have the right tools. Yes, Eric, you have the right tools to navigate your culture and making sure you're bringing the best research based, evidence based tools to your organization, your team and your culture. So shout out to you because it's an evidence of your growth and your development. Also, you made a time available. I know some of us, we had to get up very early in the morning. My clock says it's five o'clock, five, nice and early, under 24th. But I know for many of you, it's on the 23rd of August and you are finding yourself at different places and times around the world. Yes, Eric. I love how Eric is engaging with the emoticons. So navigate yourself in teams. Many of you are familiar with teams, but on the top bar or somewhere you will have reactions. And I'm going to invite you, engage with us as speakers. Click on the reaction bar, share your comments in the chat. If you have a question, ask your questions in the chat. Someone in the team is going to support you and or if you know how to support an individual, I'm going to invite you to share your wisdom, your knowledge or your resources while in the chat. We love learning from one another and this is how we all came together. Also, a special thank shout out for you to saying yes to growing as a leader. So next we're going to look at what our agenda is for today that we've put together with me and the team. So first of all, we're doing the welcome. I've just heard some people are off mute. Can I invite you to just put your mics on mute? You're going to have a speaking opportunity very soon. That's beautiful. So today, our agenda is doing the welcome right now. So, yay, as for being in this room, we're going to learn more about behaviors and meeting Hannah. So the one person that wasn't on our team board that we've just looked at is Hannah. So Hannah is a special team member because she's available to everyone's team. Thanks to Eric and all the contributions his team has been doing behind the scene at Enterprise Agility. World Community and the University. Yes, I see all these beautiful emoticons coming off. I love the cheering and contribution and leaning in. We're going to learn about the voice model, which is all about how we facilitate behavioral change in teams. And then we're going to do connection to behavior objectives, which is one part of the voice. And then after that, we're going to start to touch on what else the voice model is presenting as a tool. We're going to have some breakout rooms and we're going to have opportunities to connect. So the first one is we're going to say, hi, because who in this room love connectivity? I know I do. And this is how and why we are here. We are here not just to learn about amazing tools. We are here to get to know one another, learn from another. Many of us are facing amazing changes in the world. We are navigated and we have an opportunity to bring our wisdom back here. So isn't that amazing? I love this community so much. So let's have a look at what's next. Special awards or gifts are coming up for you. So we are starting a, so some people in the community, I know it's not for everyone, but some people in this community loves being a visible. They want to show the world, hey, I am doing this to further develop myself, learn more. And thanks to Eric and his team, they've come up with a badging system that you can use to communicate to your clients, your teams and even your organizations about how you are showing up and leaning in and learning and developing yourself. Because the truth is our clients love it when we learn more because it means to them that they know that they are getting the best resources and exposures out there. So this is a way how you can start to build up your repertoire. So thank you, Eric. You will learn more about this. But today for being part of this workshop, you will get a badge that you can demonstrate that you've attended this training. So thank you so much. Yes. And now this is the most amazing opportunity. I know many of you are here to meet other amazing people. So we're going to have an opportunity to go into your breakout room and meet a fellow participant or more. So please turn on your cameras and your microphone when you join your breakout rooms. Introduce yourself. Let us know your name, where you live, your profession and a little bit something that's interesting about your world, something that delights you. And the breakout room will be about five minutes. And I know Eric is going to navigate that in a moment or maybe month on because I have two tech geniuses. I'm so privileged in this space. And so go meet your fellow interesting team members and we will see you soon after five minutes. The rooms will take a few seconds to open up because this is teams. So just hold on. Eric is going to open the rooms now and we'll see you soon. Here we go. 10 seconds. Some of you are being moved out and some of us will go in a few seconds. We'll see you on the other side. This is the thing about these virtual tools that get us to go into rooms and come back. It's different than a live workshop. We just get pulled out. So right now welcome back and I'm going to now hand over to Leanne. But before I do that, let me know in the chat, what did you love about your breakout room? Quickly, what did you love about getting to know fellow community members? I know my team was awesome. I love people from Argentina, from people that have been in the enterprise or the change community for 36 or 37 years. Walter, apologies if I just twisted that number with one digit. So thank you for letting us know what you love. International flavour, absolutely. So it's so beautiful that you have joined us today and you've got to meet some beautiful, interesting people in your room. So now I'm really handing over to you Leanne. So short term. Thank you so much, Tanya. And I have to say our room has a lot of people with doing a lot of change in their lives at the moment. So it was, I think it's very relevant that they're here today. So we're looking at the science of accelerated change and especially we're going to focus particularly on behavioural science. And you're probably going, what does that mean? It's about how people think, how people work, how they collaborate and it gives you insights into cultivating mindsets and skills so that you can deal with change and complexity in your workplace. And so the science of accelerated change, I guess, let's just give a definition of what is behaviours. Some of you are probably seeing, they're going, I don't understand what you mean by behaviour. It's a way in which a person acts in response to a particular situation or stimulus. So from an individual level, think about if you wanted to lose some weight, you would put that cookie jar up on the very high level in your pantry so that the behaviour is for you to actually have to really work hard to want to go and get a cookie. And you've probably got a little sticky note on it saying, have a real think Do you need this?. From a team perspective, it's also, you know, in your team meetings, the behaviour you want to encourage is people who are working according to a regular workday, not actually celebrating people who are staying over time and working really hard. So that just gives you an idea of what we're talking about specific behaviours. Let's move on And the other thing around having accelerated change is that quite often when there's a market disruption, people tend to change their behaviour. And that triggers shifts in people's mindsets and that goes across the company. So you'll find that people go into that little bit of fear-based And the other fact about accelerated change is that behavioural change is the very first thing you see when a company is under stress. And so that's where you need to start looking, especially if you're a change management, a consultant or a leader in a workplace. That's where you need to have your focus. And today we're going to cover a fantastic model and we're going to actually go into depth with this model by using our wonderful Hanna. So I'm going to pass back to Tenya. Beautiful So I get to introduce the team. So today I am also now introducing to you a team member that you all have access to. Her name is Hanna. And Hanna comes pre-loaded with so much information I see some loves and cheers in the chat. Yes, Hanna is amazing. If you've already played with Hanna, let us know in the chat. Yes, you play with Hanna You ask her questions. So Hanna is an artificial intelligence-driven tool We've given her her name. And she's already been pre-programmed with so much wisdom and knowledge from change, managing change in enterprises, organizations and teams. So thank you to Eric and his teams and his years of wisdom and how they have poured it into a beautiful tool that we all now have access to. So on the screen you can see how you can access Hanna. So there's a link for you to, you can explore. with Hannah However, there are people in the room that haven't met Hannah So on the. screen is a little layout of how you get to Hannah As you go into the tool on the bottom. right hand side, there will be a little icon Sometimes it looks like a chat box or in this. case it looks like an X, which means it's just been minimized You double click on this. and it will open up If you have not been in here before, you need to register So once. you have registered, let's just so that you can keep your previous chats, if that is important to you, and you can reload them or you can start new chats So today we're going to explore. a question We're going to get to know Hannah and we're going to do this as a group activity. and a question So Hannah is an AI tool we use and we're going to ask her how can I market. disruption affect behaviors in my company So right now, Manthan is going to navigate. us is showing us how we're going to use this tool He's driving the tech I will just talk. through that So when you go to the website, you get a pop up to remind you that yes, you. have Hannah She comes with 25 years of experience and enterprise agility and organizational. change with over 130 plus models And the beautiful thing is she's continuously learning. and evolving and developing So this is how you start a conversation with Hannah So we. have already registered by the way, she's a free tool So she's a free team member. You do not have to pay for her to be part of your team Isn't that amazing? I see there's. some smiles in the face because today we can do with some free resources that makes a difference. Absolutely So I'm loving that the stakes is currently appearing there How can a market. disruption affect behavior in my company? So Hannah is going to take a little bit of time to think And then she's going to tell us an answer So I'm going to one, I'm going. to just let you know, I'm going to ask you some questions afterwards about what are you. taking away, what insights you are getting from getting to know Hannah So just have. that in the back of your mind knowing that you can have an opportunity to share with us both speaking and or in the chat So Hannah, I don't know where did where did that go?. So Hannah is giving us some feedback here Thank you There we go So you can see she's. already given us five points So on high level, she's saying that we can we can address the. following thing There's a few ways it can affect our behavior It's market disruption. can cause resistance to change, reactivity to short term thinking, silo mentality It's. a big thing when people just become aware so much on only on what they do, increased stress and burnout This is a big topic in today's conversation in a change world Innovation,. innovativeness and adaptability that's also affected So there's a lot of information. she's giving us on how change can affect behavior So I'm going to invite you now all to let. me know what is what are you taking away just from this very brief introduction to Hannah. We would like to come off mute, speak to me or share in the chat What is it that you. are taking away from getting to know Hannah? Are you still? Yes, I'll go Hi, Rusty Welcome, Rusty So quite often in our world of information. and resources, we're told an awful lot about what? Yes, I would argue less often are we told in detail in an experimental fashion the how? Yes And so I would be curious as the. AI can probably offer an awful lot of what? Yes I would be curious to see a demonstration. of can it offer an in detailed how? That is a very good question that you are asking. We often get information on the what, what it is we can do And this opens up a great. conversation and I want to know Eric, if you want to respond to this And before you get. on online, I want to share with you that Hannah is a team member She's part of the team. She's going to give us a lot of how things can be done, as well as what can be done. But it takes a team to come together and have a conversation about what Hannah is presenting, because she's got all the knowledge and she gives us the knowledge in the moment, but we get to work through the knowledge together So Greg, Eric Yeah, I am here So yes, so. Hannah can also understand complex scenarios and tell you more about the how The idea. of how nice to work with change consultants, right, that already know what they are doing. It's like we are like doctors trying to diagnose something or some some problems in organizations and then we can influence the organization by trying to do some small suggestions many times So we're providing different perspective Now human beings generally tend to see things. from three or four different perspectives Hannah is also great in trying to provide. different perspective But if you ask specific questions, or you provide a specific scenario. in your company, Hannah can also tell you the what and how and how to do it So it depends. on how you do it But Hannah is able to understand very complex scenarios in companies And then. obviously she starts with some high level And then the more you ask, the more concrete. the questions are, she's able to handle your question Now, obviously it's up to the professional. to change professional to decide what is useful there And thank you for your question. And that's a great question you did ask And we can go back to briefly to Hannah and we. can continue that conversation And we can ask you can choose say one of those points. that are relevant to you that you want to explore further like how does you know how does this change affect me and then you choose one and then you can ask the question, what. is it that I can consider implementing in my team to address a contra-mement of any of those things that were shared But you can continue the conversation with her You can. ask her how do I implement it in my team You can give her a scenario even like I have. a team that have this type of behavior How do I address that? And there is something. very important also that is we train Hannah for sustainability, which means many, many companies are firing people Now, we are using something called the sustainability zones. in enterprise agility to find different options that get the same outcome or better outcome in the company without the need to fire people So Hannah is always going to try to find,. for example, if you are a leader and say, I need to fire 50% or 3% or 2% of my company in order to achieve this outcome, Hannah is going to try to provide an answer that does not require to fire people And this is very important in times of exponential change. And what I love about that, Eric, is firing people is a behavior and it's a very unresourcable behavior And this is the gift again Hannah helps us to consider other pathways of working. with this And I just heard somebody speak Was it you, Rusty, did you want to speak. again or was it somebody else? So, Tanya, there are two hands up, Rashmi and Greg So if we want to give them a minute. or so to share what's coming up to them. Yes, beautiful So thank you for letting me know because I don't see all of that beautiful. information on my side So Rashmi, tell us what are you taking away? What are insights. you are getting from? Yes, Latisha, she's polite too Rashmi?. If you're talking your own mute, could you turn, come off mute? Yeah, yeah Can you hear me? Yes Yes Yeah Yeah, mine was saying kind of, I think Greg. kind of addressed that, you know, we have, we got a lot of information in our heads, you know, sometimes we just want to make sure that we are not going all over the place. And there's a specific problem Just focus my attention and just give me some succinct. answer to this problem And I think I little bit played with Hannah And I think it was. really helpful in that sense, you know, just condense that information and just, just focus on that and just like, let other, other information flow I'm still playing, but I think, yeah,. it's kind of sounding bold, kind of what I think, do you think is there any truth in that, which normally I would love to do with my colleagues and stuff like that But Hannah. is there kind of that I think that's a great, great substitute kind of to look for somebody. and ask for the time and to discuss what Beautiful I love your share, Latisha You're. touching on so much Thank you. You're saying that she's always there She's the one that's carrying the information Somebody. is I'm hearing echo now So apologies You're also hearing me echo? Just interesting No,. no, it's fine It's fine. Try not to Hopefully it goes away As you get it, I continue speaking So did you have. a team member who's always available, who's carrying all the information you can bounce your ideas off, but then you can bring it back to your team Yes And that is the beautiful. gift that I know is giving us and you are lighting a point You got to play with her. So beautiful Still some feedback coming back from you Yes So I'm going to ask Greg to. speak. Awesome I think one of the things to think about here is also Hannah is free So it's. available to all the community It's a wonderful gesture by the Enterprise Jail in the university. And then the other part is that if you go to chat GPT and ask some of the questions,. it will actually be more generic approaches that it comes back with Whereas we can dive. into Hannah and it will give us better information because it's specific around change So it's. fantastic. Thanks for sharing that, Greg Probably we will have to We've got some interesting. things that Leanne would love to share for us. Yes, let's move on and have a look at this fantastic model, the voice model, which is a really powerful tool for driving continuous improvement and it permits you to really to measure how behaviors help achieve a goal in your organization and link them to their impact So we're just quickly going to go through each of the components of voice And. the very first one is B for behaviors And it's all around what's observable and choosing. to focus on just a critical few So you want to see, you want to put a change in place,. then it's identifying what is that specific behavior that will support for that change to occur And really importantly, it's about how people's, what people's worth, work ethics. are, their communication style, you can drill down into what behavior you specifically want to do But it's really important, the second pillar is to link it to your objectives, your. business objectives And that means making them very clear and measurable and they're. helping you to align with your mission of your organization in the strategic direction. So today we're going to really focus on these very first two pillars And then the third. one is ensuring that there is an impact So it's picking some really strategic behaviors,. looking at those, measuring them and ensuring that you are having some quick wins in your organization, especially from a change management perspective And lastly, is just ensuring. that it's sustainable, that those changes you're making and the behaviors that you're encouraging in the organization are not having a negative impact on people's health or well being And it's also ensuring that the company continues on that road, that journey of change. management in a time when you've got lots of change happening So we're going to use. this model today with Hannah And let's just move on to the next slide And so we're going. to place this scenario into Hannah and look at some of the responses she gives us And. so I'll just quickly read this out There's a marketing team and they're at a financial. services company They've set an objective to improve their customer retention rates. by 5% this quarter However, they're really struggling to achieve this goal Marketing. relies on the legal team to review the marketing materials and contracts and ensure compliance. Legal guidance is essential for retaining customers through ethical, transparent and marketing practices However, as you're probably all aware, different departments may not. meet this challenge compared to their $ então Vet and marketing and legal rarely collaborate. So the legal team uses complex industry jargon and marketing finds this very confusing and overwhelming. In turn, legal feels marketing moves too fast and takes too many risks. We're gonna pop this into Hannah and we're gonna have a look at some of the responses that Hannah will give us and you'll have an opportunity to really drill down and ask some specific questions to,. how do we focus on what are the behaviors we're observing and then looking at what behaviors do we particularly want to encourage between these two departments? And we're going to do this by moving into another, we'll have the link in the chat if we can put that in now. We're gonna move into Muro board so that it enables us as a group to be able to collaborate together on this. So it's really important that you look at what are the behaviors that you're noticing in that scenario? What is the smallest behaviors that you could come back to improve and how might that affect the company objectives? So if we have the link in the chat, if you would like to click on that, that will open up a Muro board and then you will get to choose to go into a particular group and use the Muro board. It will take you step by step on a pathway to go through looking at the behaviors and then linking it to objectives. And we'd love if you've been able to use Muro before and somebody else doesn't know how, just give them a hand or be able to help people with collecting ideas down on the Muro board. And when we come back, we'd love if you would designate a speaker for your group. Someone who can just share their insights again. So are we ready to head over? So just a pro tip, go to the breakout frame that is, so if you're in room two, go to breakout frame called room two. So that way you will know where you are. Just wondering if there is a spokesperson for each room, could they put their hand up just to identify who a spokesperson might be? And then we can call on somebody to share their insights. So I'm noticed, Kami, would you like to come off mute and just give us a really brief, probably couple of sentences around how you found that experience and what did you learn from Hannah? Okay, well we started out, we just, we pasted the whole scenario in and then asked it to give us top three ideas. And what we found is the more we were digging is we kept getting a lot of what's and that we have to be much more specific about the house. And we eventually ended up really focusing on how do you get two groups with completely different visions or objectives to come together to get a shared purpose. But I could see how we could have gone down a million different rabbit holes and never gotten to that level of specificity. Were you able to land on a specific behavior at all that you could focus on? We were getting close. We were just kind of formulating that when we needed probably another minute and a half. Fantastic to hear. Thank you for that, Chair. Who else was a spokesperson? I'm not seeing any other hands up. I know there was a question in our room. about what's the difference between Hannah and ChatGPT? And I said, well, I think that'd be a great question for Eric. Oh wow, I did not prepare it, but I will try to do my best. So what we have here is a question. that we have a question for Eric. I'm not sure if you can answer it. I did not prepare it, but I will try to do my best. So what we have ChatGPT, imagine you have a friend who knows a little bit of everything, right? And then you suddenly get very sick. Could you go to a doctor or could you ask your friend? You probably go to a doctor, right? And this is the same thing. ChatGPT is a generic AI. Now Hannah is a specific AI for change consultant, training 130 models, and also training on sustainability in organizations. So every time you think of asking ChatGPT or asking Hannah, think again about what I told you. If you get sick, could you go to a doctor or ask a friend? Maybe some of you could ask a friend, it depends how sick you are. But remember organizations many times can have very strange sicknesses. So I will try to go for Hannah. So Hannah is a specific AI trained for change consultants. Right? With behaviors, with new models, with accelerated market sustainability, etc. You can also use ChatGPT, but it's a generic AI. I hope I answered your question. Thank you for that Eric. Thank you Eric. I'm just wondering is there anyone else who would like to share an insight from their room and that process? If not, we can keep moving on. There is something I'd like to share. Go ahead. Go ahead Rusty. There's something I would like to share. We didn't quite get to it I was hoping we would. When looking at two teams working together, potentially across purposes, oftentimes they're in a tension of opposing priorities. So one of the subjects you might Google if you're not familiar with it is something called polarity thinking. Also something called polarity management. Don't just Google it. Also search for it on YouTube. I find it to be a fascinating concept when you're dealing with polarity's intentions. Thanks. Thanks Rusty. I'm certain we covered some of that discussion in our room around that, of the lack of collaboration and the lack of having shared goals. Visions. Language. Great suggestion. Can we move to the next slide? Just to quickly give you an idea of the following process that you would then do is ensuring that the impact that you have set for those behaviours matching your objectives is that it's actually creating the intended results that you want. So it might impact looking at the impacts on your stakeholders, on your employees, on the environment, or your corporate culture as a whole. So it's ensuring that you're getting some really quick wins for change management, but it's also ensuring that you're not getting any unintended other impacts from it. And then lastly is looking at how do you make that sustainable, ensuring that from an environmental, socially, economically long term, that it's good for the company. Eric, I can see that your hands up. Yes, two things to tell you. The first one is polarity thinking. Leanne knows that So you can use as Hannah to see how she can. solve the problem using polarity thinking. So this is a good thing to mention. The second thing is that we believe that, and I will compliment with some additional value to what you said, Leanne, is we believe in enterprise agility that you cannot solve the problem with some value creation models you have in the market with agile or business agility models. So you cannot solve this. Exactly I'm talking about acceleration in market. So enterprise agility has something called three value company model, which is basically a different financial model and also a value creation model. And it's related to how to make things sustainable. In general, making things sustainable is about making sure that people feel safe, feel comfortable, but also how the company creates value. If you're in a company where you feel that they're going to fire you in two months time because maybe you don't produce what you have to produce then because the market is going up and down, that's not going to work very well. So you can also ask Hannah what the three value companies. It's a very extensive model. I think you have almost 100 pages in the book explaining what it is, but it's a different model for organizations. So when I'm talking about different models, I'm talking about how you create value and the financial part. So we believe that if we don't change the model, the operating system of the company, then we're not going to be able to survive. Now, in short impact, we do have a lot of research in terms of, we do know that for example, if a person do not get a win-win in the first five days of the change, people might disengage and increase stress. So there are many techniques also that we do have over there. that will help you understand the psychology of human beings. This is an important thing because in the process, you have something called the science of accelerated change and the science of accelerated change is behavioral science. What you are learning a little bit today with the voice model, you have neuroscience of change and you have something called strategic mobility coming from social science. And going back to the original topic, obviously this is a big model. The voice model is very naive, but it takes a lot of conscious training of trying to identify behaviors. Thank you so much for elaborating on that Eric and also giving us that big picture view of enterprise agilities, tri-value model. So perhaps we can encourage people just to put in the chat. What is it that they've loved and learned and taking away today? If you can put that in the chat and Tenya is going to take us a little bit further on this journey. Yeah, so I'm just here, thank you Neanne for this beautiful opportunity and closing almost. I want to tell you a little bit more about us. We have amazing resources available for you today and that is enterprise agility fundamentals. It's a beautiful big book. You can, that's been written by Eric with a lot of the models, frames, knowledge, wisdoms that is in Hannah, but you can also have it in a book form. You can either get it for your Kindle, but I do recommend you getting the hardcover because there's so much value in this book. Eric has also made it available for you in a online platform where you can work through every chapter as if you are doing a course. When you do that, you do earn yourself a beautiful certificate because there's all these tests you have to pass, which is amazing. And that helps you to be certified then as an enterprise agility fundamentals practitioner. Yeah, the important thing is free, right? Obviously the paper book is not free. So we will share now a code. So if you go to courseseuuniversityedu, I will share with you. You can get the book now. And also you can access it for free. We're going to provide a code and then you could be able to access. So if you want the book, don't forget to get also your badge because the beautiful of the badge is that you get additional perks. Okay, so you get the book there and then use this code and then you would get it for free, right? Yes. For everyone. Wow, we're finishing on time because we have three more minutes before we go. That's awesome. Thank you for making the course available. As Eric said, the course you can attend, you can do it online for free and then you can also earn yourself a certificate, get the hardcover book and more than that, we have an upcoming presentation on the 26th of August. That is all about leadership. So following the light to organizational growth, building capabilities for exponential change. It's around the corner. So I'm inviting you to go to LinkedIn, go to our site and register for this event. We will be learning more about how to lead and navigate change into this community. Yes, so also we have a WhatsApp group that we have created for all consultants around the world. We are already almost 600 people. So if you want to join, it could be great to see you there. If you don't use WhatsApp, that's going to be difficult. But then I would also say that the event on Saturday, I will share with you the link. As you see, we have a lot of things for you. You probably did not expect to take that much on board. So you have the batch, you have the event. Make sure you copy everything before we finish with the presentation. It's the really thing we should add. So I copy here the event on Saturday, the WhatsApp group. You also have the batch code to redeem your batch today and show to the world. And also we have some perks. The more events you join, we're going to be announcing it soon. So I think you have a couple of things. Am I missing anything here before we go? I think you are, Eric. There's one person we need to wish a very happy birthday today. And that is our technical guru, Manthan. Wow, you're wiser now. Congratulations. Happy birthday, Manthan. Thank you, everyone. Happy birthday,. Happy birthday,. Happy birthday. What better way than we celebrated by having the party on the moon. So that was even fun for us. I think it's getting. published my book on my birthday You remember that I think we should all do. interesting things All right, so I think you have everything here Happy. birthday, Manthan We have everything Anything else we are missing before we. go, folks? No, so it's time to go Thank you for for being here You know, these. folks have been working very hard to prepare your presentation for you, meeting at very hard times, many times I didn't even know they were meeting And. we are trying to bring light into the community with new models and the future of organizations in time of disruption If you want to know more, you can always. join us on the community We have the WhatsApp group over there Any of the. events, you are more than welcome And remember, once you join the group, we. expect you to talk to us, to meet us You know, the way to connect is the way to. acknowledge So thank you very much, everyone, for joining today And I hope. to see you soon.