Hello everyone, I'm Greg Pitcher I'm a regional director at Enterprise Agility World Community. and a training and partner What I would like to do is firstly say thank you to everybody. for joining the community So wonderful to have you all on board And today is going. to be an amazing experience, what we call a memorable learning experience What we will. be, sorry, go Tania Good morning, good morning I can finally hear you How beautiful Thank. you Good morning, Greg Thank you for sorting this out for me And I thought this everything. would go fine Who's who's who has experienced this before you just think all your tech is. going to work out and then all of a sudden it's like not working out I see you Thank. you Is it? I showed me your t-shirt I'm curious about. seeing what you're what is says in your t-shirt That was something about your phone Can you. read me? Okay, good That's a good thing That's a nice, very nice t-shirt Beautiful. So Eric, I quickly need you now to navigate me with displaying the slide deck because that seems to not even be an option for me right now. So you have it on your PC, on your laptop Yes, I do I do And then you just share. it Tell me where's the share option in my in my teams Oh, there we go We'll get there. Tonya We'll get there Right Everyone is using different things like zoom and other. things There you are Perfect You can see it perfectly with So everyone Now, if you. like your family today, yes, do you beautiful tight family? So I'm only seeing a limited number of people on my screen, but this is wonderful So welcome Thank you for being. with the team this morning as they have welcomed you already I am Tonya and I'm coming in. from Australia nice and early Thank you for the love there, Eric It's five I am here. by me and I think my tech just didn't want to work It's very windy and cold here where. I am at the moment So I just want to get my chat also going so I can see how you and. what you are saying in the chat, which is absolutely awesome I see there's already. some conversations happening So welcome, welcome, welcome to our presentation today. Today we will be exploring enterprise from enterprise agility, more specifically discovering how you can understand the DNA from of your team, how you can set it up in such a way that you know the building blocks so that you can have your team members take ownership of their participation of their contribution and in that way facilitate productivity Hi,. Claudia, I see you just switch on your microphone, your camera It's so wonderful to have you. here with us So you've already met some of the beautiful people in my team, Greg and. Eric and I am sure more will join us very shortly So first of all, I want to acknowledge. you for being here today Wherever you are in the world, I know we are from around the. world You have made time available for some of you It's Friday afternoon Yes And for. some of us it is Saturday morning So welcome to this day, this moment And thank you for. making time for prioritizing your learning Because when you show up here, you are taking. away wisdom and knowledge and experiences that you can take out into your world Further. or further more, it's telling me about who you are You are a continuous learner You. love learning more and you love adding value in your life and with the people you are with. So some of us are beginners in the world of change and bringing change in our organizations, teams, communities, our ecosystems Welcome to today And some of us are further along. on the journey We have been leading teams for a while You have many experiences under. the belt I'm welcoming you as well to this conversation today And when I say that, I'm. going to also invite you to in the chat, when somebody asks a question and you know a response. or answer or a link or a document or some resource, I'm going to invite you to share, bring that to the conversation so that we can continuously evolve one another, grow and take our wisdom out there and bring more change into the world Who's loving that already. as a standard? Yes, for this space I love that Is it Courisse? I'll do a pronunciation. now Carissa Carissa Thank you, Carissa I have this very unique thing where I will. look at names and then I'll make up my own name because I look at the first letter and the last one and then I do the in between And then the words doesn't always come out. the way exactly it is So thank you for letting me know how we pronounce your beautiful name. And so let's set some standards Who's getting that we need to set some epic standards for. how we show up in a space like this so that we create a memorable experience because this actually what this conversation is all around today So how do we do that? So first of all,. is it okay that you bring engagement and participation to this class? What does it look like? Well, we have a little chat box in the room You know teams find the chat box and say hello. in the chat I want to see you participate in connecting So we are showing up We are. engaging Yes, I see some of you are really bringing your talkies Yes, hello Eric I. love it You are first in you bringing the energy Love that Greg awesome I need to. take a sip of water Hello Okay Okay Thank you for sharing Greg you from New Zealand. You put it in a chat Beautiful So I love that And also during the session, we're going. to have some opportunities to be in breakout rooms I'm going to invite you to then to. switch on your camera if you cannot do that right now But in this space as well, switch. on your camera because we engage with one another when we see one another Yes, we are. doing we're doing this meeting in a two dimensional space and we are losing so much information. But by seeing your beautiful amazing faces, we are creating connection and engagements. I love it I see some of you switch on your cameras Thank you Patrick Okay, Jay It's. lovely that you that you are participating with us in such a way Furthermore, I want. to invite you to bring curiosity Lean in Be curious about what is being shared because. when you do that, you're going to take something away And I want to invite you that what you. learned today sets an intention to take away at least one thing and find a way of implementing it in your life The beautiful thing about today's conversation is yes, we're going to. talk about how we can unlock the secret source of our teams However, we are sharing wisdoms. for you as well as the individual and I see some more people coming in like Gabo from Hungary Um, like Pete tech, Mary, Mary, beautiful I'm still getting used to team Sometimes. it's switch, switch is the names around in the surnames So if I call you by your surname,. it's it's just how it's appearing on my screen isn't isn't technology amazing How beautiful. for that So what we are going to do today, as you can see on the title, we're going to. look at discovering your team DNA components And this is all coming from an amazing resource. that Eric has put together called enterprise agility fundamentals The book that he launched. earlier this year So thank you Eric for all that resources you've put into one place. And the specific thing that I'm going to share today is something that we've created in collaboration. So Eric, myself and Greg, we came together and we have brought out we elicit it We looked. for what were the building blocks for building amazing teams, connections and community. So today it's my privilege to be sharing it with you and my co-com contributors to the space is also in the room So thank you guys You are amazing So let's see if my, my, yeah,. we go So essentially it's a workshop where we're going to get to discover the building. blocks so that we essentially can get to where we can, we are building social contracts. So when I look away, I'm actually looking at my screen where my slides are So we are. building social contracts So we're not going to do that today We are building, we're looking. at the building blocks so that we can get to what is a social contract Again, that's. my name, Tanya Salfontane I'm a coach and I'm also original director for enterprise. agility with Greg and our part of the world So the amazing thing So we at enterprise. enterprise agility university, we love gifts and we always have something to give you And the one of. the gifts we are giving you today is a badge for attending The beautiful thing about the. badge is you can go and display it on your socials and communicate with your community what you are doing about your learning Because the truth is our clients, our teams, our members. wants to know they love it when they see we learn because we inspire them to also continue learning and then you can collect these badges and Eric, I'm sure he's going to come up with the next things where these badges can take you and I see you already smiling Because. you know, you already have some plans for us So I'm also having a very special announcement. So last week, Eric released, launched, I guess is the more appropriate word, our new revised website This website is truly amazing On it, you will find my favorite thing, which. I've encircled there with the red block, all the models and frames that you can find in the book, all of them with the graphics, with some description, some knowledge It's a beautiful. tool that you have available at the tip of your fingers And you can use it anywhere because. you know, we can take the web with us as long as we have connectivity So there is the link. to join I'm inviting, I'm inviting you to go and have a look, see what the resources. are Hello Ricardo, beautiful that you are joining us here as well today And so what. are we doing today? We're going to be looking at essentially, what does it take to build collaborative engaging teams? We're going to learn about memorable learning experiences. And I'm curious, have you already have a sense that today you're having a memorable experience? This is not just a normal zoom team school So I'm a zoomer, I spent a lot of time on. zoom But this is not just a normal average team, teams meeting No, we are setting raising. the bar a bit so we can create an experience for all of us And I'm truly trusting you're. going to take some value from from your experience here We are also going to look at what the. four universal agreements are And that is literally the DNA building blocks for building. an amazing culture, relationships with fellow team members and even the relationships you have in your world And if time permits, we're going to explore how universal agreements. can help you look at a how you can enhance your current community or team, which is amazing. But before we before we get into the real GC staff, we now have an opportunity to get to know one another on a more intimate basis So we're going to have a breakout room And. this is an opportunity where you can get to know a fellow member in the community Some. of you are joining for the very first time today Some of you see some faces around. I've seen you before It's lovely to see you here So we're going to soon go into breakout. rooms, introduce yourself and then share share with your team You know, what has been a. memorable experience you had, if you can have one in your workplace, that would be amazing, share that However, if you if you struggle to find one because there's so much stuff. going on, share something outside But it's important that it's memorable And it brings. you a joyful open experience in your heart So do you have any questions on what are what's. we going to do in a breakout rooms? All ready to go get to know more people more intimately? Yes Beautiful So you will see join room options coming up for you Yes Awesome Beautiful. Some of you will be automatically moved to join the room Welcome back, everyone Lovely. to see you here again I am just getting my text sorted out again So I'm curious that. you need some interesting people Yes, I see some beautiful smiles in the room as well. So I would like to know what would anyone like to share and come off mute? I would like you to if it's possible come off mute sharing to the room What was it that made that memory. for you memorable? If you have to unpick it a little bit, what do you feel was the things because it could be multiple components that. and I know I listened to Claudia She was sharing so much value from what made that experience for her. memorable So who'd like to come off mute? And if you can see the participants raising their hands,. let me know then I can see Who'd like to share?. Joe Hi, Joe Come off mute and share with us What is it that made it experience for you memorable?. That it was embarrassing and it turned out to be fun Fun, embarrassing, oh, beautiful So. I'm hearing there was this this emotional range of experiences you were having, like going from embarrassment and then it took you to a place of experiencing fun and joy. Yes Yeah, yeah Thank you for sharing and you are bringing exactly what it is that's making. memorable experiences or memorable moments is it brings our emotions but more specifically the expanded emotions So there's two categories of emotions There are those emotions that makes. a small restricted, limited, we want to hide, not participate or the opposite, like you just shared, Joe Yes, there was embarrassment, we want to cringe, but it took you to a new place. It took you to a place of having fun, having a laughter, enjoyment, and there was other people involved as well, which is now because it became a shared memorable experience So thank you for. sharing Who's relating with what Joe is sharing? Yeah Yeah Yes I see some of you not in your. head Absolutely And giving me some claps Absolutely Yes Memorable experiences have. that in common They have heightened experience in emotions So what we're going to look at now. is why we are having this conversation today So we have a challenge today in that we're living. in a world where we are facing accelerated change Who is seeing that in their world?. Changes are coming one after the other Sometimes you can see it coming and sometimes it's just. there, it's just happening And the thing about us as humans, we like certainty and. we can't always guarantee that So how do we help our teams to flourish in the face of. high uncertainty? I put here great uncertainty and rapid change The truth is, we as humans,. we've not really been designed to do pretty well with change We like things kind of a little bit. the same, the same, but it's not always a possibility for us So today we're going to look at some. models that you can find in a book So I'm just navigating you on some of our frameworks So we. I call it the body of knowledge Eric, is this the body of the new body of knowledge, the snail?. We will be looking at the core, which is right in the center We will be looking at the science. of accelerated change, more specifically the neuroscience of change, as well as the universal agreements More specifically, that is what we are focusing on So I'm just highlighting it there. My slides are doing a funny thing with me and that's all good So how did it all start? So. memorable learning experiences has its roots in science, more specifically the convergence of the neuroscience of change, organizational psychology, and social sciences And what these. these different sciences gave us were arts of how to deal with change and how to create safety, as well as the art of building communities So together, how to cultivate psychological flow,. creating safe environments, combined with heightened learning experiences And let's. kind of ask this question, you all had to share or got an opportunity to share. a memorable experience And think about that experience that you learn a lot in that moment. And something about you through that experience, maybe you learned it, you can be connected, you can contribute, you can show up to a challenge Or as you said, Joe, you could go from embarrassment. to having joy and fun and adding values to others So that is that is one thing about. what the emotional experience give us And more of that is it becomes a learning experience,. because we remember it And when we have teams that come together and learn together,. they creating a field, so to say, of memorable experiences And then the arts of building. communities Right now, we are leaning into developing the art of building communities. And you will see shortly why I'm sharing that with you But essentially, memorable learning. experiences help us on biologically in our bodies to release dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin, which helps us to connect, learn, and there's some other good hormones that are also generated in our bodies So we are using our own bodies optimally And this result in increased engagement,. collaboration, and overall well being Now, memorable learning experiences has different. building blocks as systems We can use to cultivate that And we speak about three of them in the book,. which is the four universal agreements, which we're going to look into a moment, as well as creating learning environments How do you actually do that? So that you can,. we will look at that at a later stage And then diverse learning styles Who gets that we are all. learning differently Some of us, yeah, some of us needs all the information and go away, digest it,. some of us would like narrow down into one thing until you get at, come back and share it So we. all learn differently So at another stage, we will learn at, we will be looking at how we do that. So now, what are the challenge many teams face today? So I'm going to invite you to share in the chat What are one team called to challenge your team is currently experiencing And when I say. team, it can be your workplace team If you don't have one, it could be a community that you are. part of What is one challenge in that space that you can see? Just open my chat and I see some. comments about your amazing rooms Thank you, Greg So I'd love to, to get even you can come,. even off mute, anyone want to come off mute and share with me? Just one, one team called to challenge your experiencing Yeah, I think one of the culture changes that's happening a lot at the. moment is when people being laid off and it's creating that experience of people on the opposite side of a feel good chemicals and also starting feelings of overwhelm and all those other sorts of things that go with that Yes Thank you for your share, Greg And I think. you are trust, you are touching on one of the biggest challenges we are facing in communities. Either side of the equation, even if you or someone you know gets to leave or asked to leave, or the people that stay behind because you're breaking a connection, there was a relationship and now it's been interrupted And that has an effect on emotions So let's just dive into that. straight away So when we have those lower emotions, what happens? People's people start to feel. disconnected, disengage, and they focus narrow, they have less access to their resources Sometimes. they may go even through a very dark period in their life before they can be lifted up again to continue So it's a big, big unfortunate thing that is happening right now So I'm going to ask. another question following that And thank you for your response, Greg, because you are highlighting. it's all about change How do we deal with change? And the question I'm asking now is what is the. quality of the team you would love to create or experience? So in that situation that you were thinking, how would you ideally like it to be? What would be a better construct? So think about that and have it in your mind I would love to share either in chat, come off mute And I see. Patrick, you shared the spondency and a lack of motivation Yeah, that's definitely a challenge. People are feeling low moral No motivation Yes, so much innovation, the team becomes. demotivated Yeah, there's just too much Just go, go, go, go, go Eventually it's like, this is. ever going to stop Because I don't understand the vision I'd love your share, Chris. So how would you like your team to be? What would you like to experience to be inside of your team? So I'm going to move on, because now I'm going to introduce you to our model for memorable learning experiences Sorry, there we go Memorable learning experiences Framework. is in the book More specifically, you can see there's a lot on this diagram because it is quite. powerful Today, we're only going to look at the center triangle, which is the four universal. agreements And they are the building blocks, the right to be seen, the right to be heard,. the right to be empowered, and the right to be part of a group So let me just make something. clear at the moment This right is not a right as in, oh, it's my right to be seen It's more about. how do we come together? Do you see me just as much as I see you? It's a co collaboration It's a. co right So all four of these forms a relationship like that And they build on one another. So if you just look at this diagram, you will see the team sits at the fifth level So we have the. right to be seen, right to be heard, right to be empowered, right to be part of a group And then. we see the team up here And enterprise agility, we say this team up here is now always ready for. change They are responsive And they're also innovative But they can only be that when these. four rights are in place So who would like to know a little bit more about these universal rights?. Yeah, see, I see I know you love this, Eric You help go create it So I'm going to share with you. Just to highlight the problem we just highlighted earlier, you have shared a specific challenge in your team So see where on this diagram on the right hand side, I have highlighted. it The neuroscientifically impact and consequences if the four universal agreements is absent,. or not maintained or violated even So is your team experiencing increased anxiety and. overwhelm feeling isolated? Somebody shared here is this constant change And now now experiencing. overwhelm and anxiety This is the level that's violated But the team that innovate sits up. here, they sit at the top It's already speaking about all three or all four of these rights being. violated Is your team feeling increased frustration? Like they're not being heard,. I cannot make a contribution That can evoke anger over time And because people can't show. anger, they suppress it, it becomes passive aggressive Who here knows of teams or cultures. that are experiencing that? I have been unfortunately exposed to that for a long time, and it brings down the whole organization And it's very unfortunate, because all it took was. create culture, create practices for members to be heard in the contributions matter. And also when people feel this increasingly disempowered and disregarded, this specifically can happen as an example, you have members expected to show up in a team, but they don't get the training. They don't get the support, they kind of get the task and then they are sent off, there you go, do this thing But they don't have, they don't feel empowered, which then leads them to not. taking ownership And then feeling disconnected and isolated So when people don't feel part,. they will feel disconnected So the four universal agreements knowing about them, we can actually. start to address this And when we address this, this is what we're starting to do And I'm hoping. to highlight for you, see if you can identify some practices as I go through this, what are some practices that can help you implement the right to be seen, heard, empowered, and feeling part. So when people have the right to be seen implemented in their environment, you will have a culture of where people are being recognized and appreciated. So I'm curious in this room right now. put in the chat a yes, who of you are part of cultures right now, where members in the team is authentically being acknowledged and recognized for their contribution and for what they do Yes, Greg, we are doing it in this community Absolutely That's why we. love this community. There's also a question there from Jorge around why the word right? Yeah, this is a good question. and I'm going to ask, because I want to have another voice in the rooms, because I feel like I'm just having my conversation at the moment, my voice So I'm going to ask Eric,. can you elaborate for us why the word right? Because it's beautiful how we came to this. So this is important and when we're talking about the word is where we need to understand the current situation So the situation is different than a few years ago, right? Markets. are really accelerating, companies are making a lot of pressure, artificial intelligence is creating a very fast cycle where we start one and then we finish and start again and companies cannot cope with this So the first question is why we do it and what we need. to do in order for the teams to be able to continue working in a way which is sustainable. And in fact, in Enterprise Agility, we have something called the Sustainability Zone, which is a kind of a maturity zone, we don't call it maturity, we call it sustainability zones. And what we need is to understand that the situation is different And one of the problems. we have with agility is that, you know, agile practices, even friends like the Scram or even say, they don't know how to deal with acceleration in markets and in teams And. this is a very important thing and this is where you need to understand the science first to know what to do And we try to summarize this in a very easy way, where we think that's. a surprise But then every of these right you see on the screen also have some consequences. And the consequences of this that in our case are positive consequences are on the left. hand side I don't even know if I answered the question now. So thank you for your share, Eric And what I'm loving from your share and I will continue. speaking into that, George, and I hope this will support you is it is a right in the sense of it's not it's a right in the sense of we are seeing your human need, but it's not a need as an a neediness We see your we see you as a human And when I see you as a human,. I'm acknowledging you So it's the right of I see you It is more than that It's I'm. bringing it into my culture And when I'm bringing it into my culture, we can speak. now into it I can say our team members, we don't have a culture of where we are including. one another and celebrating one another, because I know it matters I know it makes a change. So for elevating the importance of this concept, we have used the word right to identify what it is And I'm curious, George, what is coming up for you putting the chat if there's anything. any other questions if I've answered your question?. I'll just add to that, Tanya, but when Eric first suggested right, we were also challenged a bit by the word So but it's the actual acknowledgement of the human being aspect of. us, not not just the human doing aspect So that's what it's really about But I can understand. the word being challenging. Yes Yes So I love your question, George, because it's telling me you are having a look. at this and you're having a response to what you are learning, which is a powerful Yes,. I love your share I thought the word right may have been chosen because we are social. beings Yes, we are healthier when our humaneness is acknowledged and being seen, heard, empowered. and being part of a group Absolutely I love how you have summarized it. So Tanya, one important thing is I'm sorry, I'm in a cafeteria and I was very noisy Something. important has to be reciprocal, right? As you mentioned before And then reciprocity. is something that stops existing when you are afraid of what we see as market are accelerating levels of cortisol increase, as Tanya mentioned before And reciprocity is the first thing. you stop doing in things Yes Love that Thank you, Eric So it's all about reciprocity. It's going two ways So right now I'm seeing you Some of you are off camera I'm seeing. you I'm saying your name And even though I'm mispronounced it, Karuse But I see you. and you smile Can you see she's smiling because I'm making a connection with her I'm seeing. her There's the value She's feeling recognized So I'm speaking into her humanness Now also. appreciate it Just think about your breakout room that you were in earlier How could you. appreciate a conversation that was in the room? Just think about that That indicates how. you have now been able to see the other person as well as their contribution And some people. was in my room and they were not even coming off camera And I can understand things may. be happening for them But I wasn't able to see them, acknowledge them, appreciate them. as an example So this is why it's important Once we are able to see people, we can go. to, well, can I hear you? Were you able to hear the other people in your breakout room, hear their story, hear where they're coming from? Who loved hearing the stories of memorable learning experiences from one another? Yeah, it's inspiring to hear having a little glimpse in another person's life and some of those things that were shared was personal and it was team So when people feel heard in a team cultures, they feel understood And why is. that important? I'm curious Why do you feel it's important when people feel heard and. understood? And I specifically would like to hear from you, Karissa, when you shared about the innovation of the team that innovated so much, that I feel he motivated How are. they not being heard? Because it's already relevant for them All of these, all of these. rights have been violated Just think a little bit Yes? Tanya, I also think it's important. to understand that whenever we try to do it, we make it explicit So culture, culture has. implicit and explicit rights, but we are trying to do it in times of acceleration in markets. We are making explicit what is important Yes And we are placing it there to really. sign the organizational procedures and organizational rules and missions and visions around MLE in order to make sure when something is explicit, we are making sure that we follow certain basic rules Yes I love your share, Eric, because we know this makes a difference So. in a team culture, we make it explicit So when we have the right to be heard, this is. very much a leadership component as well as individuals We hear one another What is. the challenge? What is the idea? What is the contribution we can make? Because this will help the team move forward or address the situation But when people are not feeling. heard, they withhold information Who has seen that? People withhold information because. I feel that anyway, not going to listen to me It's not going to be taken up So when. we go back and we say, no, let's make it explicit, we make, we're building a practice around hearing one another What would that look like? The right to be empowered This is very much. where we look at what is, what is the skills that can be developed within a team so that they can have experiences of success as well as failure Because failure is at times important. It tells us we are taking, we are, we are looking at solving this And maybe this solution. we've implemented right now is not the way to go So we learn from our experiences We. move forward But that's a right to be empowered It's a right to give it a go It's the right. to explore what it is And when, when we do this, we bring autonomy as well as how people. to feel connected to resources and the resources can be one another That's a powerful resource. Having wisdom Yes, Eric, I see you raised your hand. Well, that's very much So in the book, we also talk about the science behind this model. And I think it's very important to understand the science So we are also based, so the. science of accelerated changes based on three things, which is neuroscience of change, behavioral science, and then what we call social mobility, which is how we realign people when an organization is changing all the time Imagine your company changing all the time, how you realign people. with these new ideas So there we have part of the theories coming from social science. from 1900 and another part from acceleration in market that we designed And the idea is. that you are able to realign people even if your organization needs to change the objectives and the goals once a week And this is one of the things which are going to start seeing. more and more organizations moving and changing the strategies all the time And how we make. sure that we deal with these situations with lower levels of stress on the workforce well-being, you know, and in the structures in everything that happens around And this is one of the. challenges that Emily tries to help with Yes, I love your share Thank you, Eric And. to build on what this model brings you is when you make this explicit, you are teaching the members in the community, in the team, on what the practices are that makes a difference. That removes a lot of stress from leadership because the members in the community knows, for instance, when I see another person and when I am seen, I build trust And I create. safety for myself and for others So now I'm speaking onto the right hand side of the pyramid. When members know that they can do that, because they are now starting to cultivate connection with one another, they are able to hear one another, they're developing skills, or they can say, hey, I would like to know how to address a specific situation, which could be, you know, maybe there's a lot of conflict that arises in teams How do we address that in. a team? So we can now ask specifically what is the skill we need to develop so that we can and now we all know, so that we can feel, honour the right to be seen and heard So. when we know this, we can empower the team to know they can take care of themselves, as well as the leaders know, hey, I need to hear what my members have to say I have to. get them to participate Yes, Greg, I see you erased your hand. Yeah, I've seen even in what we call agile organisations where there's leadership teams and leadership teams make these decisions and then they bring them down That means. that the person is not really having the right to be empowered, right? Because it's coming down to them, rather than being part of that Yes, I love that And that's that being part. of it Love it so much And then also when people feel empowered, they can, they have. a buy-in in their, like what you just shared, Greg, when it's coming from the bottom up, they have a buy-in into the skills they are developing They know they want to develop. that skill It's not coming down, oh, you have to do this training and get certified,. but it's kind of like you don't, you feel forced That's when it comes from the top. down But when it's bottom up, I invested my own growth I make a decision When I do. that, the team is empowered, because now my contribution is coming from a place of my humanness, of my beingness, versus from my ego, and I'm trying to defend it And then. building communities that influence and drive change Beautiful Love to share So Eric,. you have shared in the chat a link on how to get to this model. I'm going to my next slide. I'm also showing you there's a QR code you can scan to get to this model from our website. Yes, Greg, I see your hand again. That's it still from earlier. Beautiful So scan the QR codes,. get to the model or follow the link that Erica shared in the chat. I'm going to invite you now. We're going to go into a breakout room. So you can open up a browser. So you can have a look at the model when you're in your breakout room. What I would like you to have in the breakout room, the conversation we're going to have there is, again, look at your challenge in your team, what your team is experiencing, what outcome would you like to create for your team? So this is a challenge. What is the next step? Where would you like to go? And then how can these four universal agreements help you? And if you feel like I need to work on the right of being empowered, which is level three, like the third one, I'm going to ask the question,. how are you taking care of level one and two? Because you can't have three without one and two. So any questions so far on this breakout room?. Thank you, Andre, for being here. I would suggest that everyone capture this screen so you can get this text with the questions. you need to discuss during the breakout room. Yes, thank you. Thank you. So again, we will soon open up the breakout room, but think about what is the challenge you are facing in your team. Where would you like to go? Perhaps maybe want more engagement in your team? Then which of these universal rights, these building blocks, can help you create that more engagement? Oh. Welcome back Welcome back. I see some smiles on the faces. How was your breakout rooms? I got caught out in the middle of it. I was speaking with someone, great. And that was Mike. I wanted to hear the story all to the end, but unfortunately. Yes. Beautiful It's breakout rooms. That's a good sign when there's not enough time. It's a valuable breakout room, which is telling me that you had amazing conversations. So before we close, I would like to know what are some insights you are taking away from either your breakout room or the conversation we have been having today? What is it that you are taking away? One thing. What is some value you're taking away? Share the chat or come off mute. I would love to hear your voices. Thank you. I'd like to go through the talking and being a bridge with leadership and leadership. Patrick, you cut out. I don't know if your tech is freezing, but I can see from your share the energy in your face. You've taken some great value from the session. I think it was surprised about the framework there. He's freezing now. Yeah, it's freezing. Beautiful Thank you for your share, Patrick. Anyone else would like to share? You're taking some value away from today. What are you taking away? Or even, what is it that you can take and implement into your team? Yes, leadership has to allow the team to move up. That's a beautiful share. I like that so much, Joe. I think the biggest thing we can take from this, Tanya, is the awareness. I have just been. Yes, the awareness. The awareness of the blocks. Yes. And then with that awareness, you can actually start to construct memorable learning experiences. Yes, absolutely. And now you know how to construct it. I had a beautiful share in my team today. Is it okay if I share, Claudia? Yeah, sure. Yeah, oh, you can share. What is it that you're going to bring to your meetings? Something I really like is about making explicit. You know, this build up, this psychological safety, making explicit things. I think that's super powerful. Yes, love your share. And especially working with leaders. It's important with working up with leaders, some behaviors and attitudes that can help to build this. Yes, love that. Love your share. Thank you. Yes, Greg. Yeah, I love what Claudia was saying. I think another part of that is. That psychological ownership is. What we talk about in Enterprise Jailer University is actually psychological ownership versus psychological safety. Because what this memorable learning experience creates is more ownership rather than just psychological safety. Which creates more engagement. Yes, love that. When we own it, we can do something with it. It's not just created on our behalf. We know how to create it. Love your share. I'm going to move on because we have three more minutes. Then we close off. Before we go, I think this has an important question. I've read that. So go ahead, Chris. And we just close up after that. Because I think it's a very important question. Right? Yeah, well, I think it is. I hope you think so too. I know that a lot of people sometimes get confused with what is the difference between being seen and heard. And then also, Mr Pointer, being seen is not just looking at. somebody and hearing is not just. Being heard is not just getting the stimulus from your ears. So I would like you to explain a little bit more about the difference between being seen and being heard versus seeing and hearing. Yes, that's a beautiful question. Being seen, yes, I see you. But I'm seeing you because I'm looking for my frame or my intention is, for instance, looking at how can I acknowledge you? How can I see you as a human being? I'm not just seeing you wearing a blue top and seems to be sitting outside. No, that's. I'm seeing you in context of your contribution, your heart, your you living your values, how you are going after your goals,. how you are showing up. I'm seeing you in that way and then I go and I validate it because I'm seeing it. I see you and then I validate. Like, you've really leaned in today, Charisma. Yes, how is that statement making you feel right now? I saw you smile. It feels good, of course. Yeah, and now I've seen you. I've seen you, not for you just raised. I see you leaning in. You're curious. You're participating. You're contributing. I'm acknowledging you and I see you. You are responding beautifully. Yes, Greg. Yeah, so how I sort of look at it a little bit is how when you're seen, it's about being acknowledged. And what I mean by that is, for example, when something's mandated. Say, let's say I know companies don't do this, but say a company mandates you have to go into. work a number of days per week. I know companies don't do it, but if they did, people were not being seen because they don't get any input into it. But when they and the heard part is actually being part of it, being involved with it. Yes, it's a conversation and the contribution into the conversation is not just collected. No, we take we take notice of it and we together collaboratively start to look at,. well, this is the thoughts of the community How can we now bring it together and negotiate?. Sometimes those thoughts cannot necessarily be part of it. How can we bring it in? So it's all about communication. I mean, I'm not just hearing you and you're having you're upset about something. I'm hearing you towards the goal. What is your thoughts? What is your contribution? How is this working for you? How is this not working for you? To your point, Greg, you know, companies. So I see there's a can you share the discord link again?. So there's some questions for you in the chat, Eric. So did I answer your question?. Did you get some insights? Yeah, I just think it's a helpful conversation to have. To how? Yes, it's very much a helpful conversation. And that's exactly the conversation to have with your team. Ask them, are you feeling hurt? And how can we make sure you are feeling hurt? You're going to get the world of gold. They're going to immediately tell you, I don't feel hurt, blah, blah, blah. They'll give you the examples. They the knowledge is in the room. So ask the team, what does it mean? What does it mean to you? And it's not just I hear you, I engage with you. I listened with curiosity to what you are saying. I value what you are contributing. Beautiful. So because of time, I'm going to move on. You can share your questions if you have with us in the community. So I'm going to share you about our community now, which is. You can get access to Eric's book. The book is also available on a platform as well as in Amazon. We have HANA, we have AI. So sometimes in these sessions, we introduce it to HANA. She knows all things about change and enterprise agilities and how to support community growth. Then we have the enterprise agility world community. The heart of that is we have a WhatsApp group. And I know Eric has been sharing the link for that in the chat. So Eric, if you can share it again. But in that group, you can bring your questions. So if you have any questions about today, or there's something in our world. that you would like more of, even for future topics, bring it to that conversation so we can support you. And the amazing thing is if you do the online access Eric's book online, you get a certificate because there's little tests at the end of every chapter, which is testing your knowledge of enterprise agility. Beautiful. So our next talk is next weekend. Well, it depends on where you are in the world. And it will be delivered in this space. So the coaching starts from personal center therapy and rational emotive behavior therapy. So we are looking forward to our event next week. As well as if you want to be part of the enterprise world, there's a QR code. You can scan it as well to join a WhatsApp group. And I think Eric, you have shared the. Yeah. And you can share your screen. And then I wanted to thank Tanya because she probably didn't sleep today. Like started at three in the morning. She's in Australia. This is the beauty of highly calibrated change consult that we are here in this room. We are all willing to learn from others. And this is what we are trying to build. You have a lot of knowledge. Remember, you have now the enterprise community, those community where all the frameworks are documented. Next week also, Hanna is coming also to the community website. We also have Hanna at EAU dot University. You can ask Hanna anything you wanted. And she can solve very complex scenarios. Just ask Hanna there with anything you wanted to know. We are trying to take the organizations to a new destination with accelerated change. So I appreciate your time with us, Tanya. Waking up if you woke up finally very early and being with us. And also the rest of the community to be here. This recording will be available in. Tanya, maybe you can share your screen. We'll share your screen so if you grab the bar coach. Then we're going to also have the event coming. And remember, very, very important. We have a lot of document information, etc. So to make sure we support you in your journey of accelerated change. And I hope you have a great day today. Wherever you are in the world, thank you for coming. This recording will be available with a voiceover in Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, French and Chinese. If you wanted any other language, let us know. Thank you very much. And I hope to see you next week. Enjoy the rest of the week and rest during your weekend. Thank you, Tanya, especially for you today. Thank you. Thank you everyone. Leaning in today. Lovely to see you. Looking forward to seeing you in the next event. Thank you. Bye. Bye.